We are not asking for one official to contact a hundred officials over the course of a few months.
Most organizations must have 10-15 senior officials. The governing executive should put in place a so called "mentoring" program where each person is responsible for 2-3 new rookies. This might entail a call or 2 for a 5-10 minute chat or sitting down at meetings for a 5 minute discussion.
The reason we lose officials is because most are probably scared to approach the senior guys. "Having them call me" puts the onus on the new guy. The lack of accesability or attitides like that indicate he/she has to initiate puts up barriers for a new ref looking for a pat on the back or direction.
We as refs have all had people who have taken us under his wing for some mentoring. As to those that do not want any direction/help, they will probably leave and good riddance. We want to keep those that are on the fence (and will become a good ref) and those that show potential.
We have all benefitted from being officials.
A good official is willing to give time back to make thopse around him better.
Although a hobby we all get paid which is a bonus.