After the ten minute time limit a team is charged with a maximum of one technical foul regardless of how many infractions of the following are committed: changing a designated starter, adding a name to the team member list, requiring the scorer to change a team member’s or player’s number in the scorebook, requiring a player to change to the number in the scorebook, and/or having identical numbers on team members and/or players. Each player must wear the number indicated in the scorebook, or change the official scorebook number to that the player is wearing. Any additional substitutes who become players and require the changing of the number indicated for them in the official scorebook will not result in a penalty, as the one maximum technical has already been charged to the team for that team’s administrative infraction
So what happens in this case. At the 5 minute mark of the 1st quarter, #10 who's not in the book enters the game. We are notified and access the technical. At the 2 minute mark of the 1st quarter, #35 now enters the game who is also not in the book. This implies that we do not access the technical since we already accessed a book technical when player #10 entered the game. Is that correct?