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Old Sun Jan 29, 2012, 12:33am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
So, are you saying, if you're not facing the ball handler (and therefore don't have LGP), you don't have the rights to verticality, that if you jump straight up, and contact takes place (assuming it's not a stiff-arm or elbow from the shooter), this would be a blocking foul?
I am not buying that at all. And since a lot of LGP situations would not apply like a rebound or loose ball situations where there is no position to establish and a ball handler is not involved to face. But to suggest that verticality only applies if LGP is present is silly to me and does not make any since. And really does not make since when you read POEs and examples given to highlight that rule.

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