Originally posted by Rog
...the umpire pays for their own equipment, manuals, rule books, travel expenses, insurance, and let us not forget to claim those game fees on that tax return so Uncle Sam gets his fair share. Most umpire's I know are lucky to break even after all this.
Then Rog states :
Originally posted by Rog
So, are you saying that you are able to make ends meet from what you make just umpiring high school games???
I think not!!!
Rog, first you drown us in tears about barely being able to break even with expenses, and when I take objection to it you then compare it with trying to make a living solely from umpiring income. They are not the same. It seems you switched the music halfway through the dance. I hope that doesn't occur on the field.
Umpiring provides a nice
second income and allows the person the ability to vary the amount of time that they wish to dedicate to that endeavor. Still, I find it difficult to believe that many (if any) don't do better than breaking even with expenses. Like most things in life, people put forth different levels of effort to meet THEIR OWN level of pride and satisfaction---not all are the same. Expect to encounter those with both high level and low level expectations of themselves along the road. I suspect the strong will survive while the others are left along the wayside, and new umpires will be in training soon to exhibit which level they wish to attain.
If anyone doesn't feel the effort is worth the reward,
then they need to look at spending their time in a different manner.
The choice is theirs..........