Originally Posted by Freddy
Great point. Better do what your association requires in this instance.
Two observations from a former skeptic regarding this "whistle in the subs" thing, which is new in our state:
1) It has served to expedite substitutions a little better, especially in instances where the horn for subs isn't always as reliable as it should be; horn or no horn, players are getting into the habit of waiting for and regarding the whistle.
2) It also prompts the "that guy" partner to note that his partner has subs coming in and thus serves as an extra alert for him (sad that he even needs it, I know) to look at that official and regard his stop sign before making the ball live.
I didn't expect these beneficial outcomes, but am gratified to see them.
Skeptic won over.
Yeah, I prefer using the whistle for subs myself, but I'm just Roman, not a senator.