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Old Mon Jan 23, 2012, 12:46pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Until they define what definite knowledge is, people are going ot use different standards for what that is. People will say things like, "There is no way he could have gone from Point A to Point B in (blank) amount of seconds." Just like we had a discussion earlier about taking time off the clock if the ball was in-bounded. I believe someone tried to suggest we could not take off any time if we did not have "definite knowledge." All we are talk about is our opinions as to what that is. So really anyone can say what they want when time is to be taken off. I know I use my visual count and even a mental note. Either way we are not going to ultimately solve this question. You will can use whatever you feel works for you if you ask me.

Definite knowledge is just you KNOW how much time should have elapsed. It doesn't require that you be standing on your left foot and flap your right wing like a flamingo....just knowledge...a purely mental requirement. It doesn't preclude using a physical count but such a count is certainly not required by any valid reading of the rule.
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