Here is what I came up and/or comments welcome...
Also, Thanks to argodad for the copy of the Florida questions...we may use some of those!
1. Team A is at bat with one out and no runners on base. Player A4 is scheduled to bat, but Player A6 steps into the batter’s box. With a count of 1 ball and 2 strikes, the defensive coach tells the umpire that the wrong batter is at bat. What happens?
a. Player A6 is declared out and Player A7 comes to bat
b. Player A4 resumes the at-bat with a count of 1 ball and 2 strikes
c. Player A6 and Player A4 are switched in the batting order for the remainder of the game
d. A warning is issued to the Team A head coach to make sure the batting order is followed correctly
Correct answer is b. Rule 7-1-1
2. Team B is at bat with a runner on second base and no outs. Batter hits a ground ball toward the shortstop (F6). In the act of fielding the ball, F6 is bumped slightly by the runner going from second to third. F6 fields the ball and throws to first before the batter-runner arrives. What is the outcome of this play?
a. Double Play. Runner is out for Interference with the shortstop and the batter-runner is out on the throw from the shortstop.
b. Incidental Contact. The bump did not affect the shortstop fielding the ball. Batter-Runner is out at first base and the runner on second advances to third.
c. Dead Ball. Runner is out for interference with the shortstop. Batter-Runner is placed on first base.
d. Obstruction. The shortstop must stay out of the runner’s way. Runner is placed on third and the batter-runner is placed on first.
Correct answer is c. Rule 8-6-10a and Penalty
3. In High School play, who can make a dead ball appeal on a runner missing a base?
a. Any infielder only
b. Any player only
c. Coach or any defensive player
d. Only the player closest to the missed base
Correct answer c. Rule 2-1-3b
4. Player A1 is at bat with a count of 2 balls and 1 strike. Inside pitch hits the batter on the hand while she is holding the bat and trying to avoid the ball. The batter did not swing at the pitch. The ball caroms into foul territory. What happens?
a. Dead ball. A1 is hit by the pitch and awarded first base
b. Foul Ball. The hands are part of the bat.
c. A ball is added to the count and the batter resumes the at-bat
Correct answer a. Rule 8-1-2b
5. Player B3 is at bat. No runners on base, 1 out. B3 gets a base hit into left field. B3 rounds first base toward second, stops, ball is returned to the pitcher in the circle. B3 runs to second base. What is the outcome of this play?
a. B3 is out. Once the pitcher has the ball in the circle, the runner must go back to the last base touched
b. Umpire calls time and places B3 back at first base
c. B3 is issued a warning. The next player to do this will be out
d. Legal Play. B3 proceeded directly to second base without stopping once the pitcher had the ball in the circle
Correct answer d. Rule 8-7-2
6. Batter B5 hits a fly ball into the outfield near the foul line. The left fielder (F7) runs under the ball to make the catch. F7, with both feet in fair ground, reaches into foul ground to attempt to catch the ball. The ball, over foul ground, hits F7’s glove and falls to the ground, landing in fair ground. This is a:
a. Fair ball. F7 had both feet in fair ground when the ball was first touched
b. Foul ball. The ball was first touched over foul ground
c. Fair Ball. The ball landed in fair territory when it hit the ground
d. Foul Ball. The batter comes back to bat, but since the ball landed in fair ground, any runners on base may attempt to advance.
Correct answer b. Rule 2-25-1c
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!