Thread: Dunk in pregame
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Old Sun Jan 22, 2012, 02:23pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
Again, you can invoke 2-8-1 if you'd like, and charge a team (not bench) technical foul, but I'm not going that route.
Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
So just charge the team technical for adding the name to the book, but don't penalize the team member for dunking? I'm not going that route.
Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
No, sir. Just treat the dunker like a fan, which he is, and have game management deal with his removal.
bainsey: I believe that you and I are on the same page on this, but in your earlier post you stated to "charge a team (not bench) technical foul" as an option, an option that you wouldn't take, but, nevertheless, an option.

How can you justify charging a team technical for a pregame dunk, it's a player technical? In my opinion, you're either going to have to charge two technicals (dunk, adding name to book), or none, and I would vote for none, and would simply, "treat the dunker like a fan, which he is, and have game management deal with his removal".
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