running a clinic
You guys have been very helpful so I will ask again for guidance:
I am running a clinic for our local umpiring group. I want to do a classroom session and a "field" session.
What kinds of topics would be most beneficial in covering in the classroom session? I'll probably have them for about an hour and a half to two hours, and I was tossing the idea around of splitting the group up into 3 sessions, and each session covering something.
I'm up for ideas. Anyone do this, and if so, and you don't mind sharing, how do you do it? What topics are ideal classroom topics to cover? I am doing a separate rules interpretation clinic so I don't need to go into that.
Thanks in advance!
One of my thoughts was to cover lineup card management in one of the sessions, for example.
ASA, NCAA, PONY, USSSA Fastpitch, NYSSO Umpire
As umpires, we are expected to be perfect our first game and get better every time out thereafter.
Last edited by LIUmp; Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 01:31am.