However, the officials must see the violation occur or have personal knowledge that it did occur in order to penalize the infraction. (Rule 10-2.6, 2-13.2 and 5-7.7).
What would "Personal Knowledge" mean besides seeing 😳 6 players?
- 3 officials get together after the expiration of time and one says I remember seeing players #1 & #2. The other 2 say they saw #3, #4 & #5, #10 respectively. Does this constitute "Personal Knowledge"?
- What if there is a standby official at the table that tells the officials there were 6 players. Is this "Personal Knowledge"? What if it is the Timer or Scorekeeper that tells the officials there were 6 players?
I'm surprised they don't make this a reviewable play. I'm thinking "Personal Knowledge" is a flexable way to give the officials a chance to get it right when it is obvious to everyone (but the referees) in the gym what happened.