My rants/changes needed
Only put into POEs what people are willing to call. Im sick of seeing hand checks, forearms in the back, and moving screens (contact) that are not called. Not called because someone thinks it does not meet the Tower Philosophy. Yes, they are not moving towards the basket because the hand/arm is stopping them. The repeated off ball use of the hand or arm in the back to stop a players movement is wrong. The book should just come out and say that if it is not called, the ref is in the wrong, period.
If we are going to quote/use the Tower Philosophy make it part of the rules book and case book.
Think about all the aspects of situations before you write something about it. One case in point is the change to the elbow rule this year. Good change but I have seen too many times this year where the intentional throwing of the elbow, with no contact, is either not call or is call a violation. Why, because the explanation of the change does not cover situations other than rebounding or clearing an area.
What is the call when the ball is released on an inbounds pass directly to the court and the defender reaches across the line and hits it? How long before the NF addresses the situation in a case book play? We have a case book situation where A1 and A2 are both OOB, and A1 throws to A2, B1 reaches across ant hits the ball and it is a T. Why cant we have a ruling on a direct pass?
How about the old one foot in and one foot OOB on a block question? How about some guidance on it?
Offer a combined rules book and case book. Have a rule and then have a case play(s) right after the rule. Give it a 2 or 3 year trial to see if it sells.
Allow pre game dunks. So what if a kid dunks before the game? I always look at this as being a spiteful NCAA based rule. Boys and girls, we are going to give you the dunk back during the game but you still cant do it before the game - because we say so!
Do away with the one and one. Shoot 2 shots on all non shooting fouls 7 and over. Even think about 3 shots at 11 and above. Maybe coaches will start teaching defense.
Now where is my medication?