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Old Thu Jan 05, 2012, 06:23pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
I was talking with my son (who reffed HS for a few years) about having two girls HS rec games at an elementary school gym later tonight and that the gym has little room on the sidelines. He told me he once worked a boys freshman game (not rec) in a HS "side" gym in which three of the OOB lines actually were the walls and the fourth side had about eight inches of clearance before the bleachers started. That side had the table and the benches and he said they were able to position the table so it's legs weren't sticking out onto the floor, but the players legs were most of the time.

When I played in Junior High (in the early 1980s), our gym had no out of bounds lines. We played the wall out of bounds on all four sides. We had to put our foot against the wall to inbounds and the court was so short that the ball had to come back behind the far FT line for a backcourt violation.
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