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Old Thu Jan 05, 2012, 05:13pm
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Just like a coach telling his/her players to "let it go" and keep playing hard, we have to be able to file things away to review later. That comes with experience. The first time the crap hits the fan, we probably won't handle things well...but we will get a little bit thicker skin and be able to handle it better the next time.

So when something odd happens, rather than letting it "get to you", learn to stick it in the back of your mind to discuss later (halftime, post game, at the next meeting, etc.) and keep concentrating on what is going on on the court. The easiest way to do that is to self-talk (at least for me)...I get myself to concentrate by talking to myself in my mind - "Where's my match-up?", "Where's the post players?" "How's the secondary defender to be aware of?" etc., etc...forces me to get my mind back to what's important right here and now.
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