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Old Wed Jan 04, 2012, 09:58pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris Whitten View Post
A1 shoots and misses a 12 footer from the wing. A2 has good, solid inside rebounding position and is pushed from behind by B2 on the rebound. A2 then goes up and makes the bucket AFTER the whistle for the push. Basket is waved off and A2 shoots as A is in the bonus. I am at C and its my whistle for the push.

At halftime, a senior official asks if I liked the call. He explains that he'd like to see us hold the whistle and see if she makes or misses the shot. Only hit the whistle if she misses.

I suppose by the rule book I have standing for the whistle. But do you guys like the advice from the senior official on this one? Would you add anything?
I've got a pre-rebound foul only if it is severe contact (rare) or if the contact affects the gathering of the rebound.

Seeing how A2 rebounded the ball anyways, I then look at the quality of the shot attempt. If it was a (very) piss poor attempt, and I judge his position to have been affected by the push, I whistle it dead, waive off the attempt, and call the pre-rebound foul. If the attempt was not affected, then play on, and it's either a hit or miss with no foul in the mix.
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