Eliminate AP under most circumstances
I would eliminate the use of the AP arrow on those instances where the defense ties up the ball. Reward the defense and make the ball go the other way. Same with shots that stick between the ring and the backboard or come to rest on the flange. Shooter put the ball there, we go the other way.
I would also implement the "team control foul" as per women's NCAA.
As far as further restricting the lane, I'll agree to all the suggestions put forth earlier in the thread if we also go back to letting the players enter the lane on the release of the throw. As things stand right now, rough play isn't exactly a problem on the lane since the FED reverted back to the "has to hit the rim or enter the basket" rule.
Mechanics-wise, I would try to tweak the 2-official switching procedure as outlined by the manual -- eliminate long switches and the switches that seem forced -- like when the trail official calls a foul in the frontcourt, for example.