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Old Fri Dec 01, 2000, 06:19pm
Hawks Coach Hawks Coach is offline
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Great summation of the various threads of conversation. With respect to Walter's comment, I have to agree with his assessment that this amounts to making the best of a bad situation. Certainly the rule book and case book allow for double fouls. But in many situations, it is not really a double foul that occurred, but the double foul must be called because two officials see the same single foul in two different ways. Clearly, double foul is the correct call and the book has provided the best way to deal with this situation. However, the situation is not likely to make coaches happy - they will both feel that one foul occurred and the other did not, and one coach is usually right. So you are dealing with a bad situation in accordance with the rules established by the NFHS, but that does not change the fact that the situation started out bad. We coaches would rather not have this occur, and I am sure most refs would prefer not as well. But once you get into this situation, make the right call and move on I think that was what Walter was saying and I agree.
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