1. Yes. This only applies to the first rally of the match (so point 1 of set 1). However, if, for example, a team ops not to use their libero for the first rally, then any subsequent rally, either libero can enter the match.
USAV 19.1.3
One Libero designated by the coach before the start of the match will be the starting Libero. The Libero on court is the Acting Libero. If there is another Libero, he/she will act as the second Libero.
2. No. Regardless of there being two liberos, a libero replacement is still defined as a libero replacement, so there must be a completed rally in between replacements. So in your scenario, the acting libero comes off, the front row player returns to the court. Rally happens, opposing team wins point, NOW either libero can enter the court for a back row player since a
completed rally preceded the replacement.
Replacements involving the Libero are not counted as substitutions. They are unlimited, but there must be a completed rally between two replacements involving a Libero (unless a penalty causes a rotation to position 4, or the Acting Libero becomes unable to play, making the rally incomplete).
The only issue where this gets hairy is for those regions that allow the libero to server (won't even bother getting into that unless there's a question about it).
Hope that helps!