First of all, I think the use of tests for every sport is an absolute must in the training and development of officials. Not as means to evaluate or judge the abilty or knowledge of an official, but to act as a tool in getting officials to know their sport. If all the test accomplishes is getting officials to open up their rule book (yea I know some copy the answers, thats not the norm though), then its done a lot.
In the state of PA, I have been trying to get PIAA to recognize this for five years now. The Fed tests are used as a entrance exam into the ranks of officiating and after that the officials are on their own to open up the book. IMO that the tool is available, but not properly used.
"Tony states:
The FED tests are ridiculous. I think they are more
intended to get you into the rule and casebook than
they are to test your game knowledge."
For some officials, this is what is needed. And if it happens, then the test was successful in getting officials to learn the rules.
When all else fails, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. Something, I don't believe enough officials do.