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Old Thu Dec 29, 2011, 05:18pm
JugglingReferee JugglingReferee is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
Last night, 6th grade travel boys. (Not assigned by my board.) The game itself was better than 80% of the middle school games (and a few of the high school games) I've worked this year. Two 16-minute halves, better-than-decent skills for that age group, not many fouls, tied and halftime, home team wins by 5.

In the last ten seconds, V-1 secures a rebound from a three throw, and Coach V requests a time out. The Coach then asks my partner (early 20s) to advance the ball to midcourt for the throw-in. My partner checks with me, no can do.

After the final buzzer, all coaches thank us for our service. I took a minute to let Coach V know that advance-the-ball rule only exists in the NBA, not in high school or college. He replied that an opposing team tried the same in a previous game, and the officials allowed it. I advised him to "make some noise" if that happens again.

I may have asked this before, and I know the rule has been around for decades in the NBA, but can anyone explain to me the rationale for this rule?
It's also a FIBA rule and it is a great rule. It promotes exciting finishes.
Pope Francis
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