Originally Posted by DeputyUICHousto
no exposed metal on the handle of the bat.
That's not what the rule actually says, is it? If that was the rule, then all safety grips would need to be the exact same length as the handle and extend from the knob to the taper. That doesn't seem to be the intent- why else would they say the grip can be anywhere from 6 to 15 inches long?
I read the rule to mean that none of the handle can be exposed
in the area actually covered by the safety grip. Some of the handle can be exposed, just not within the part that the grip is covering.
This seems to be another case where they've tried to redefine and clarify the description of a legal bat, yet from an editorial standpoint still left some details open to interpretation.
If I'm forced to rule on this bat...
three days from now 
...I'm going to say this is a legal grip. I've never seen any rule or interpretation that says the grip must begin exactly at the knob, or any other specific point on the handle, for that matter. To assume that it must begin there would be a personal interpretation not backed up by any rule. If that's what they meant, then that's what the rule should say.