We have crews here and crew chiefs assign games. I have sent out assignments up to mid January for my crew. That is acceptable in Southern Nevada. It is a blessing and a curse to assign my crew. There are officials I want to give a shot, but we are a deep crew. Nobody is guaranteed to always work boys varsity because there are too many officials on my crew that are capable - even if we have two sites on a given night.
I am proud of the fact that Southern Nevada is a place that will not hold good officials back. If you can work and you move in from another area, you will work period. If you start out and you have "it" you will work the appropriate games period. After moving around during my Air Force career I view this differently than some places do. I HATE the sense of entitlement that some officials have. What is the difference between a not so good second year official and a not so good 12 year official? 10 years, 10 hard-headed years, and that is it. Sorry if I went on a tangent with my answer.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden