Originally Posted by mj
I like to be referred by my first name as I'm not big on titles. I also refer to coaches by their first name but I may be in the minority on doing that in my area. I even look them up prior to the game if I don't know them.
It's what works for me, do what works for you...
Me too. I'm not big on titles and even thought I introduce myself by my first name to players before the game, I don't think I have ever had one call me by the during the game. They forget by the time the game starts anyway.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Well then I will be on a high horse then. I was raised in a place where adults were adults and children were children. Sorry if you like your kids talking to you any kind of way and the only way they can show respect is not to curse at you. That was not acceptable in my world. No wonder kids do the things they do today. You want to be their friend rather than being the one responsible for them or the authority figure.
This post sounds like some old crank saying "Get off my lawn!".