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Old Tue Dec 20, 2011, 11:56am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
LOL, yeah I've thought about that before too.

Several weeks ago, I worked a middle school girls game and arrived a bit early. I'm standing on the side of the court watching the girls play around with a volleyball for about 15 minutes; wearing a trench coat. My bag must have given me away, but I thought it was odd that no one acknowledged me for so long.

Okay, you topped mine. That's the equivalent of "we're going to call hand-check/three seconds/black line/moving screens and here's the new rules this year" guy.

Early in the year, going over (briefly -- no more than 30 seconds) any new rules that affect the players isn't a bad thing.

I do use the speaking captains: 1) Ask if ready to play before the start; 2) ask them to take care of trouble makers if I see it and if they are on the court.

Could have used the captains last week, but R didn't ask for them, so I tried someone else and he didn't seem to care.