Thread: Dead Ball
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Old Wed Mar 19, 2003, 03:55pm
WestMichBlue WestMichBlue is offline
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Batter out, runner returned -

Based on your revised description. See Mike's explanation above. Shouldn't be any question that is interference. Only if the bat is already on the ground - and stationary - are we going to allow play to continue.

I don't know how y'all can keep up with all the rules. I keep UIL rule books and case books with me and still have situations that come up that are not in either.

V-Mom - Rule books and even case books does not cover every situation that can occur. A lot of our decisions are based on information from Interpreters within the rules group passed down to umpires at training clinics.

In cases like yours we take other rules and apply common sense to the actual situation. Specifically the FED rule book 7.4.1.k requires that the batter hit the ball with the bat intentionally,and the case book reiterates that point. I don't see intent in your case. But if I read the definition of Interference 2.32 I see that Interference can be called for any action by the offensive team (your batter) that interfers or hinders a fielder (your catcher) from making a play. When your batter hit that ball a second time, intentional or not, she hindered the catcher. Because Interference is an immediate dead ball, we are not going to wait to see if the catcher could have made a play. Ball's dead, batter is out, runner is returned.

Hope this helps.
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