Originally Posted by SNIPERBBB
If the foul is to be recorded, there will be a change needed to be made in the book unless the scorer is that far gone or duplicitous. So if scorers add the name after the player is now BP, but don't assess the T, do we now have a delayed T for if the player comes back in the game?
No technical foul charged. It's too late. The foul must be charged when it occurs and enforced when the ball next becomes live. Once the ball becomes live, after such changes have been made to the scorebook, it is too late to penalize.
And by "it", the NFHS means that the name being written into the scorebook.
If the name had never been added to the scorebook, then there would be a technical foul charged only if, and when, the player re-entered the game. If the player never re-entered the game, there would be no technical foul charged.
Remember, the technical foul is not for the unlisted player playing, it's for the unlisted player's name being added to the scorebook.