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Old Wed Mar 19, 2003, 02:58pm
Illini_Ref Illini_Ref is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Robinson, IL
Posts: 266
I guess what I'm confused about..........

is the whole "intial guarding position" thing. Can I as a defender jump into the path of a dribbler, without getting initial guarding position. If I claim a spot first and don't move, am I entitled to it. And if there is contact, is it a PC foul?

I see defenders jumping in fromt of dribblers, but not exactly facing them sometimes. These are almost always called blocking fouls and I'm not sure they are. If I fet to a spot on the floor and don't move, jump, duck, etc. I am entitled to it and any contact with me is the fault of my opponent. This is my take anyway, I just wanted other opinions.
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