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Old Sat Dec 17, 2011, 04:19am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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In my opinion the coach is correct. We have had a couple of previous threads on this. The fact is that the NFHS has never clearly defined "roll over" so it is a gray area.

For me, I won't penalize just because there is considerable movement or the player gains an advantage, the player must actually violate a rule. Players do all sorts of things during a game which entail considerable movement or in an attempt to gain an advantage and that's what players should do. They are trying to get the upper hand and win the game. What we must decide is if a player is gaining an illegal or unfair advantage. So what is unfair about turning to the side when holding the ball while on the floor? That seems like a smart play and protecting the ball.

My definition of "roll over" means to turn more than 180 degrees, so a player on his/her back would have to flip to his/her front before I will deem it a traveling violation. Turning to one side or even rocking from side to side is not rolling over.

Just focus on the definition of the word "over."
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