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Old Wed Mar 19, 2003, 12:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by ronald

Tell me if something is wrong with this ruling or act.

R1 leaves 1st too soon on a fly ball and has passed 2nd when F7 throws a ball that goes out of play. When the ball becomes dead, the PU immediately rules dead ball and with no hesitation says runner is awarded home. Now when the runner is 1 inch from touching 3rd base, which is the next awarded base, may he go back to retouch 1st. It seems that some (unless I missed something) have the sense that you can not. I say that is humbug but what do I know!!!

The "next base" would be the next base in the proper progression as an advancing runner would touch them. In other words, REGARDLESS OF ANY DISTANCE, if the runner was between 2B & 3B when the umpire made the award, the next base would be 3B. Until the moment comes that the runner touches or physically passes 3B, s/he may return and touch any base missed or left too soon.

PLEASE NOTE: Once the runner has touched that "next base", it is not your job to stop them from returning to touch any base missed or left too soon as this is an APPEAL play. If you do that, you have possibly coached the defense.

If they retreat after not being permitted, you let them do whatever they damn well please. However, if the defense appeals at ANY point after that next base was touched and prior to the next pitch, legal or illegal or all that stuff at the end of an inning or game, the umpire is to ignore any return be the runner when not permitted and rule on the appeal.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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