The following is from our Washington State Officials Association (WOA) regarding arm sleeves.
Compression Arm Sleeves
Rule 3-5-3: Arm compression
sleeves shall:
a. Be white, black, beige or a
single solid school color
b. Be the same color for each
team member
c. Meet the logo requirements
in 3-6
d. Be worn for medical reasons
Interpretation of 3-5-3d: In
order for a compression arm
sleeve to be legal, the coach
must present to the contest
officials prior to every game a
letter of authorization from the
WIAA. The sleeve will be
approved to be worn only if
the school makes the request
and includes a note/letter
from a medical authority that
indicates the name of the
player, a recommended
timeline (during the season or
during the school year, for
example) and that the
sleeve is required to be
The sleeve color does not
need to be the same as
wristbands/headbands worn
by team members.
If a player is not wearing a
sleeve but sustains an injury
to the arm or elbow during a
contest, the officials will
allow a sleeve to be worn for
the remainder of that contest.
The officials should notify the
assigner following the game
of the situation. A letter from
the WIAA will be required
for any subsequent games.