With less than 2 outs and 1st base occupied, why was the batter going to first base?
Maybe batter 8 & 9 had already been retired. Mom didn't say.
Cecil: If foul, just that, it's a foul ball.
Technically not completely correct. If the umpire judges that the ball could become a fair ball, then interference is the call.
Cecil: If fair and not deliberate and the bat is ccompletely out of the batter's hands, then it's in play
I am not sure you can judge intent when the batter lets go of her bat and it rolls and knocks the ball away from the catcher. Intent or not, that is still interference.
The easy way to call this is to judge "what hits what?" If the ball hits the bat (which is stationary on the ground) then the bat is legally part of the playing surface and No Interference. If the bat is still moving and it hits the ball, then call Interference.