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Old Wed Dec 14, 2011, 02:59pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Hugh Refner View Post
OK, what if part of the ball in inbounds and part is OOB and the defender slaps the ball on the inbounds side? A few years ago, I had this happen. I was told that if any part of the ball is OOB and any part of the ball is slapped (even the part that was inbounds), you make the call.

I guess it's part of the same thinking that caused the rule change this year about fouling the inbounders hands while they're over the court is the same intentional foul call as if the contact occurred with the part of their hand that was OOB. It's just too tough for the official to make that distinction.

It isn't really where the ball is that matters. It is where the defenders hands are.

If the defenders hands remain on the inbounds side of the plane, you have a legal play.

If the defenders hands cross through the plane, you have an illegal play. The penalty depends on what they touch while reaching through the plane. If the touch nothing, delay of game. If they touch the ball, technical foul. If they touch the thrower, intentional personal foul.

(Note that not reaching through the plane but touching the thrower has reached through...presumably with the ball....has also recently been declared an intentional personal foul. It doesn't make any sense, but that hasn't stopped the recent rules committees from making changes).
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