Thread: Who jumps?
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Old Wed Mar 19, 2003, 06:30am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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The note following 6-3-3f says: "If the alternating-possession procedure has not been established, the jump ball shall be between the two players involved in the center restraining circle."
While the syntax on this is not the clearest, it means that if two players cause a held ball, either by holding the ball inbounds or by simulataneously knocking the ball out-of-bounds, the official should take those two players to the center circle and have a jump ball. Under the current NFHS rules, the center circle is the only place on the court that a jump ball will be administered.
I believe part of this rule is left over from the days when jump balls used to occur in the free throw cirlces as well.
Some of the officials out here got into an argument at the start of the season about what this particular note meant. They incorrected believed that it was instructing them to have the two players in the center circle have a jump ball. The casebook play that JR cited, 6.3.1C part c, thankfully clarifies the language of this note.
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