Originally Posted by RKBUmp
My daughters team played a game at gold nationals a few years ago on one of the outlying fields where the bases had accidentally been set at 65'. No one noticed until the next teams where about to start. As Andy has said, it just killed the short game. Slappers who would normally have been safe by a step were being thrown out by 1/2 step. What ever gains the offense got with moving the pitcher back to 43 would be offset by the added length of the bases.
See, this is where I do not necessarily agree. With the pitchers at 40', the pitchers were dominant and kept the ball out of play. Now, at least, the ball has been put into play forcing the defense to actually make the play.
The short game was developed as a response to the dominating pitcher. Since moving the PP back, we are now seeing more HR (fences different subject), line drives and ground base hits.
And I'm not saying that is bad, just that it might be time to take the next step and give the defense a chance to actually make some plays. These girls are more athletic and the equipment much more advantageous to the offense than ever before.
This has been done a couple times in SP and it wasn't just because there was room. Just as the quality of the pitcher's ability outgrew the pitching distance, I believe the players with the equipment have done the same with the bases.
And because there is an additional 625 sq ft for the infielders to cover, I don't believe the "short" game will suffer as much as many believe. For that matter, I believe it may actually help the short game.
Okay, I'll shut up now.