Just so you know, the issue is not with my daughter. I only posted here looking for info to help other parents out. It is not just one parent but a number of parents who are raising concerns.
I believe the overall complaint as I talk with parents more today is the coach's attitude toward his players. He demeans them & makes snide remarks, even to the star player. He very loudly yesterday asked her during the 3rd quarter "what planet are you on?" among other comments. Parents from the other team were even appalled especially considering that she is probably the player who hustles the most on the team.
As I read the policies of this league, it is a "no-cut" team so the kids have the opportunity to learn & play the game. Sportsmanship & teamwork are suppose to be the main emphasis.
I will be giving the parents the info that I have found in the policy & regulations of the league. They can decide what to do from there.