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Old Thu Nov 30, 2000, 08:58am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Smoke
NCAA Division I can goto a video replay?? I saw it in the Duke-Ilinois game last night, not completely surewhat the rule is and if Duke , Coach K request fit the rule or not Can anyone help??

[Edited by Smoke on Nov 29th, 2000 at 07:38 PM]
Rule 2-5 Officials USe of Replay / Television Equipment

Art. 1 -- Officials may use replay equipment or television monitoring only in situations involved in preventing or rectifying a scoring or timeing mistake or malfunctioning game clocks or shot clocks, to determine if a fight occurred and those individuals who participated in a fight or to assess whether correctable errors 2.10.1c, d or e need to be rectified.

Art. 2 -- At the end of the second half or at teh end of any extra period, the officials shall use replay equipment or television monitoring that is located on a designated court-side table (i.e., within approximately 3 to 12 feet of the playing court), when such equipment is available, to ascertain whether a try for field goal that will determione the outcome of a game (win, lose, tie), and is attempted at or near the expiration of the game clock, was released before the sounding of the period-ending horn.

Art. 3 -- Officials shall not use replay equipment for judgment calls such as who fouled, basket interference, goaltending or release of the ball before the sounding of the horn, with the exception of the situation described in Rule 2-5.2

The case play included with this rule mentions that a coach can request a review on the "2 or 3 point" question. If the coach is wrong, a TO is charged.
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