Thread: Ball watching
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Old Sun Dec 11, 2011, 02:59am
fiasco fiasco is offline
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post

For some reason this varsity official said I was ball watching and I was wondering what might have lead him to think so. He wasn't very helpful on the specifics of this but it felt a bit like he was just tearing me down. Thanks again.
What Rutledge said. Take advice you hear from the varsity guys with a grain of salt. When the JV guys ask me what I think, I always try to have something very specific for them, not the general crap that gets spouted off over and over by varsity officials who don't want to admit they just didn't watch you work (oh, your positioning could use some work, your mechanics should be more sharp, etc etc).

For instance, I watched a guy the other night who was definitely ball watching. How did I know? Because he spotted a three pointer that wasn't in his area, while I was watching two bigs go bonkers on each other trying to position for the rebound...and they were right in front of him. Another time, he gave the foul tip signal on a blocked shot that was way out of his area. I used these two specific instances to help him realize he was ball watching more than he may have thought he was. Next game I saw him, he had already improved, and I told him so.
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