Originally posted by Blackhawk357
I had this happen after a made basket in an Independent Tournament a few years ago. A1 slapped the ball away, gained possession and put it right back in the hole. I just scored the basket from the baseline.
B1 was trying to get a "T" for team A
I had kind of a similar thing in a summer league game last year, varsity age kids, but not really that level of skill.
A1 has the ball OOB for a throw-in. He holds the ball over his head and fakes the throw. In making the fake, he places the ball through the OOB line. B1 is standing with hands straight up and the ball touches his hands.
A1 thinks that I maybe just missed one (I guess), b/c he does it again: ball overhead, across OOB line, touching B1's "upstretched" hands. The two of them stand there, both touching the ball, and look right at me. They both figured that
something had to be wrong, but I just kept counting. . .