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Old Tue Mar 18, 2003, 08:59am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Thanks, I think I understand... looking at rule 8-4-2b and assuming that FPSR is Forced-Play Slide Rule.

Because it was a force situation and the runner chose not to slide BUT instead he followed through past home plate into the defense, interfering with a potentially further defensive play... the runner is out, the ball is dead and the run he just scored is negated because of his interference and the potential for the defense to make another out.

I guess this assumes the catcher is making a play - like catching a thrown ball or has the ball and is attempting to reach home before the runner...

Am I thinking correctly Bob?

This seems very reasonable rather than everyone being safe and a run scoring.
Yes -- FPSR is "FOrce Play Slide Rule" -- as covered in 8-4-2b.

Whether to call the violation if F2 isn't making a play is a discussion best left to your local group -- it will be called differently in different areas and you don't want to stick out.

I think the latest FED interp is to call the violation if the illegal slide either Makes Contact *OR* Alters the Play.

So, in the example above (modified to be a force play), we'd have two outs and no run scoring.

Also, note that if it's a FPSR violation, other runners return to TOP.

If it's "just" malicious contact, runners return to the base occupied at the time of the interference.
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