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Old Mon Mar 17, 2003, 11:34pm
Back In The Saddle Back In The Saddle is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: In a little pink house
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Final game of four this night, youth rec league. I had a 9th grade boys, then a third grade girls (about stripped gears making the shift), then a couple of 7th grade boys. Started the final game on my own, because my scheduled partner was finishing his previous game.

I've had this coach a few times, and he's always been something of a PITA. But this night he was just on one! He only had six kids show up, and got beat by 30+ points. But he was surly from the moment his team took the floor to warm up.

I purposely worked the side of the floor away from the benches to keep away from him. That just pissed him off every time he thought I missed something on his side of the floor. At one point, as we're lining up for a free throw, he yells, "Hey, Blue!" I look at him and he doesn't say anything or make any sign. So I go back to work and when he yells, "Hey, Blue" again, I ignore him. Finally he yells, "Time out." I approach him during a later timeout to ask if he wants a full or 30, and he just rolls his eyes and blows me off. Gave him a full. Really was hoping he only wanted a 30

He finally got off my back when I showed him the stop sign (which I probably should have done much earlier), but got T'ed up later by my partner, who finally showed up.

*Sigh* It was the first time I had ever had to work alone, and it wasn't a great performance. The HM didn't help the situation. As I do from all of my hard experiences, I learned a few things.

My question for the panel is this: What advice do you have for working with coaches?
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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