Many of you have probably already been through the baseball article in Referee Magazine (March 03).
I noticed a statement that didn't make any sense to me (That, in itself doesn't take a lot but this one stood out.)
On pages 30 & 31 they are talking about crashes amongst the discussion of making a tag. The statement that caught me off-guard is this one at the top of page 31:
"A runner who has scored and then crashes into a fileder is allowed his run
unless he advanced as a result of being forced from 3rd to home. - such a runner is still ejected (3-3-1n)." (italics are mine)
Rule 3-3-1n has to do with malicious contact: A coach, player, substitute, attendant or other bench personnel shall not: n. initiate malicious contact. Under the PENALTY section the rule book states "In (n), the ejected player is declared out, unless he has already scored."
Referee magazine doesn't always get everything correct but am I missing something here... I don't understand the italics.