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Old Wed Dec 07, 2011, 06:59pm
deecee deecee is offline
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Originally Posted by Welpe View Post
Yup. I had an eerily similar situation last night with the "I'm just a fan" varsity coach during a freshman game. I wish I had just ignored him.
One of the best feelings I ever had was once (about 4-5 years ago) doing a boys summer tournament for a very good program and their head coach, who is well known, was not the HC for this contest as he let one of his assistants handle to task.

He instead was seated at the end of the bench where he felt he had carte blanche to say whatever he wanted. Midway through sentence #2 I whack him and inform the HC of all his repercussions. All the poor SOB stories of, but he's not even part of this game and blah, blah, blah. I tell the HC "It's your bench, and your problem, not mine."

Many officials, because of this coach's reputation, would not have done this. To this day, and I have had some similar games like this in the off season, when he sees me work those games he takes a seat in the stands and acts like any other deranged parent/fan/spectator.
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