Tue Dec 06, 2011, 06:28pm
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
Originally Posted by BillyMac
Ways To Give A Technical Foul
Calling a technical foul should be no different then calling any other foul. It is simply a rule that requires
a penalty. Maintain a calm attitude, have poise and presence. Don’t personalize it. Don't embarrass the
coach by being demonstrative.
Take your time. Don’t over react. Always sound the whistle and stop the clock with a foul signal. Signal
the technical foul. Take a deep breath to calm yourself. Proceed to the reporting area, report the technical
foul clearly to the table, and leave the area. Never look at a coach when you give a technical foul.
Confer with your partner. If the technical foul is charged to the head coach or bench personnel, have your
partner inform the coach of the loss of the coaching box.
Explanations, it needed should be done by partner. When asked, always explain technical fouls on players
to coaches.
Proceed with the administration of the penalty. After technical fouls, put the ball in play immediately.
The calling official may want to stay away from the coach for a few minutes, even if it means not making
a switch, or making an unneeded switch, after the administration of the technical foul penalty has been
Because a coach has been penalized with a technical foul does not mean that the coach is allowed
rebuttal time.
Make them earn the second technical foul. Don't be reluctant to give the second technical foul if it
is warranted.
- In theory a technical foul is no different than any other call. However, in reality we are human and it isn't always the same as any other call.
- I have never heard of stopping the clock for a technical with a foul signal.
- I do not need anyone to explain something for me. In my little corner of the silver state
I pre-game with my partners that the calling official will be the next one to engage a coach after calling a direct technical on a coach. This way, there is no "shoulder to cry on" from the other official(s).
- I will submit this for thought: if a coach receives a technical foul and the situation is such that a crew of officials cannot rotate/switch as they normally do for fear (how I look at it) of something else happening with the coach, maybe the coach should have been ejected in the first place.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden