Thread: Missing Whistle
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Old Tue Dec 06, 2011, 04:38pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by tw1ns View Post
Maybe I should have put IMHO in there. Maybe that would make things better. My bad. Just my opinion.
Sometimes things aren't read the way they're written. (Don't I know it.)

You meant that a guy who 1) worked without a lanyard also 2) drew attention to himself

It was read (by some) as a guys who work without a lanyard draw attention to themselves.

It's true that some officials try to "big-time" others. They might do so by wearing a college jacket, or the college wide-striped shirt, or discussing the "big V game they had last week" while working a rec league game, or by working without a whistle. They are usually found out. But, not all who do any of those items are "those" types of officials.
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