Thread: Missing Whistle
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Old Tue Dec 06, 2011, 12:46pm
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by tw1ns View Post
I never said it was difficult. There is no reason to do it. There is a handy little loop on your shirt for your lanyard to clip to. Lot less work than reaching in your pocket. Same guy made the game about him, rather than about officiating and going unnoticed. not a fan.
One, you don't have to put the whistle in your pocket...most people I've seen go sans lanyard don't. Second, I have no idea how you think someone not using a little strand of rope is making the "game about him." Seems like an over the top statement. Basically, what you're saying is the men and women in the NBA/D-League, probably some of the most professional people you'd ever meet, are making the game about them and not officiating.
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Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.

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