Well ... I lived. And I took Monday off from my real job to recuperate. We lost a few games to Rain, so I worked 14 in total. As to pacing, I saw a mix. One guy gave the Friday night games the "I'm being evaluated" hustle. Ran (sprinted ... almost fell once) from position to position between plays, brushed off the pitchers plate and first base EVERY half inning, etc. That guy was crashed on the floor during his Sunday break and visibly limping on Sunday (I didn't see him Saturday, so the limp could have been from an actual injury and not just fatigue). One guy treated Friday night as beneath him, walked everywhere, and was caught out of position twice ... not sure how he would have been on Sunday, as he was sent home and replaced for Sat/Sun.
My 2 partners and I all had about the same pacing. 100% during a play - but much more relaxed between plays. Example - R1 on 3rd, BU in C. Passed ball - runner scores. BU would not sprint back to A, but rather walk there. Another example. On a SB at 2nd, PU would start walking to 3rd for a possible attempt to take 3rd if the ball got away, instead of making Yes - none of us would do this on normal days, but it must have helped, as we were all still giving 100% during plays on Sunday and got compliments from coaches and TD on our hustle.
I wore the back brace all weekend, which helped. The only thing still aching is my feet.
Interesting (to me ... maybe not to you!) notes from the games:
1) Hey fans, how can we have "Nice pitch, pitcher", "Come on, Blue!" and "Nice stop, catcher!" all on the same pitch?
2) One team wore green shirts with red trim and white numbers, red pants, white socks with green trim. Very Christmas - it looked cool. Their sister team had red socks instead and it looked like they were wearing Christmas pajamas.
3) Several of the 10U's looked like they could eat my 11 year old for a snack.
4) Shortest home run ever. Ball hit literally 2-3 inches off the plate on the first base side. I'm pointing fair when it stops. Pitcher comes in to pick it up, sees me calling if fair, and points at it, arguing it's foul because it's in the batters box. As the runner round SECOND, coach then comes out yelling. Catcher walks away to pick up her mask. Pitcher walks off to pout at the mound. Ball is STILL sitting there. Coach is about in my ear looking at my stop sign as runner rounds third - he eventually swats my hand away while this play is still going (he also said, "Look at me, a$$hole" while I'm still watching the play). Catcher sees the runner, finally, and that I'm watching the runner and in position for a call, figures it out, rushes for the ball and fails to tag out the runner. This (the coach) was the only ejection of the tournament.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike