Speaking FED
On another matter, they say that the "do not pitch" sign does not mean time out in ASA (or OBR, but it does in Fed).
I can not speak for ASA, but I can respond to this. That is not true. In FED it is called "Holding up play" (do not pitch) which is different from "Suspension of play" (time-out).
"example of a runner who deliberately crashes a catcher who is in the way but not in possession of the ball. They said that the runner would indeed be called out. That was surprising to me, but they claimed it was a form of interference."
Interference? I suppose if the ball is on the way and you knock the catcher out of the play; and the ball get by and other runners then advance another base, maybe you can call interference. But the catcher did not belong there in the first place so why are we rewarding her with an out?
I've got obstruction; award the run, then eject the runner.