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Old Fri Dec 02, 2011, 02:09pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Location: Katy, Texas
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To clarify on a few of the things said above.

Tonight's 4 games are pool play, drop dead 60 minute time limit. I have 2 plates, 2 bases in that order. Should be about 4 1/2 hours total.

Tomorrow, we're working 3 to a field. Plate, base, off, repeat and stir. I've worked 7 or 8 this way plenty of times, and while it's tiring, it's not a beating and we are all used to this. the first four (I have 2 of them) is the drop dead 60 minute variety. The rest of the day and Sunday is 75 minutes finish the inning, no ties - so at some point we'll get behind I'm sure - especially with teams moving from field to field. Getting behind on one field could put us behind on the other fields. I'll be leaving around 11, 11:30 - hopefully not TOO much later than that.

The main issue for me will be that generally after this sort of Saturday, I'm beat on Sunday. I can do 6 in a row on a normal day. Will be interesting to see how I do working 6 in a row after the Saturday I described. And as we (the umpires) wear down, the level of play is steadily increasing as are the stakes.

I'll let you know. At least it won't be 90 degrees +. I just hope we get to play the last few - looks like serious rain coming in around noon on Sunday.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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