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Old Thu Dec 01, 2011, 12:50pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
The phrase in the NCAA rule about causing the ball to GO into the backcourt is the equivalent to last to touch. It is not the same as causing the ball to BE OOB...which occurs when they are touched by the ball. The defensive player who deflected it towards the backcourt is the one who caused to ball to GO to the backcourt. Your statement about a player who was in the backcourt and touched by the ball is only a violation if a teamate was the one to deflected/passed/touched the ball causing it to GO to the backcourt.
I do not recall me saying that this was automatically a violation. I was simplying saying that the ball has BC status now. That has other ramifications as to if you have a new count or where can the player go. Who caused to be back there was not simply about if it was a violation. Actually I was unsure (and still unsure) if the player contacted the ball in the FC then stepped into the BC and that would be a violation.

Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
I agree with everything you said in the 2nd paragraph....and they are all last to touch, first to touch situations. The backcourt rule simply revolves around the very moment the gains backcourt status and who touched it just before that moment and who touches it just after that moment...even if it is the same touch.
OK, I disagree with the first and last to touch part or what it actually means, but I see your point. I think that is semantics but then again the NCAA Rules wording is a little different.

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