Sat Mar 15, 2003, 02:14pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 9,466
Re: What three different sports are these rules from?
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
1) If you have a hall that is smaller than a normal court, you should drop the two Centres to give two teams of six. The WA ,defended by the WD takes the centre passes; the 'other' WA and WD line up in their normal starting position. With a very much smaller hall you should drop the WD & WA to give two teams of five.
2) A player cannot volley a ball while standing within the non-volley zone.
3) When the game has started, players/teams occupying first and second post positions shall compete for the first point until one of the players/teams is eliminated, the player/team winning the point shall then become the server/serving team and his/their opponent shall be that player/team which is next in line on the front of the bench, and the player/team which had just been eliminated is to take the last seat on the other end of the bench until such time as all other players/teams seated on the bench have had an opportunity through elimination of one another and he/they become(s) the first on the bench again.
What'd you do, go to the library this week?