Fri Nov 25, 2011, 02:23pm
We don't rent pigs
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 7,627
Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer
We already place an onus on the defense if a defender and offensive player are moving towards each other, the onus is on the defender. If the defender doesn't want to be called for a foul, do a better job of closing out under control and jump straight up and down...stay closer to your man and don't fall for a pump fake. If you want to run out and challenge a shot and go past the defender, make sure you go at a path that's clear of the shooter.
But, according to you and BBR, even if the path is clear of the shooter, the foul is still on the defense, so long as the movement of the shooter is not overt.
Originally Posted by BktBallRef
We see plays all the time where the offensive player pump fakes, the defender jumps, the shooter then takes a legal step, jumps into the defender....TWEET! It's a defensive foul every time.
Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer
That's not the play he's envisioning...he's talking about the situation where the defender jumps forward and the shooter jumps into the defender. If the offensive player doesn't do anything overt, that's a defensive foul 9.5/10 times.
I swear, Gus, you'd argue with a possum.
It'd be easier than arguing with you, Woodrow.
Lonesome Dove